Improve Communication, Strengthen Your Leadership, and Further Develop Your Employees Mike has a John Maxwell Program for You

How to Be a REAL Success

People are inspired by and desire to be like great leaders yet become overwhelmed by the perceived knowledge needed to learn the skill of leadership.

This program will teach you the four elements to success:

  • Relationships
  • Equipping
  • Attitude
  • Leadership

Develop the ability to work with people.

Becoming a Person of Influence

Whatever your vocation or aspiration, you can increase your impact on others by Becoming a Person of Influence. Learn simple, insightful ways to interact more positively with others, and watch your personal and organizational success go off the charts.

This program will provide practical and easy principles to apply to everyday life:

  • Managers will see their employees respond with new enthusiasm
  • Parents will connect with their children on a deeper level
  • Coaches will see players blossom
  • Pastors will reach more people
  • Salespeople will break records

The Leadership Game

Healthy Organizations + Happy Employees = Great Results

You and your team will experience:

  • Cohesive team building using a fun, engaging tool
  • Open sharing and communication
  • Leadership Skills Assessment
  • Strong relationships

Leadership Gold

Gaining leadership insight is a lot like mining gold. You do not set out to look for dirt; you look for the nuggets.

We venerate great leaders, and we have the tendency to assume their accomplishments came about regardless of the assistance they received from others. The truth, however, is that no leader would be great without the support and help of teammates. As a leader, you will never get ahead until your people are behind you.

You’ll learn lessons from a lifetime of leading.

Everyone Communicates Few Connect

Only one thing stands between you and success. It isn’t experience, it isn’t talent.

If you want to succeed, you must learn how to connect with people. And while it may seem like some people are just born with it, the fact is anyone can learn how to make every communication an opportunity for a powerful connection.

You will learn how to identify with people and relate to others in a way that increases your influence with them. To be a successful leader you need to learn to communicate in a way that connects with others.

Put Your Dream to the Test

Your dream has power. It can inspire you. It can empower you. But will it reward you?

Most people fail to realize their potential because their dream remains hypothetical. Put your Dream to the Test takes your dream from ethereal to achievable. Learn how to crystallize your vision and galvanize your commitment.

YouthMax Plus

Inspires and equips young people to value themselves and others. This program will teach youth:

  • 3 Important Letters – Y.O.U
  • Your True Inner Strength
  • The Kind Connection
  • Failure is Important to Success
  • 5 Steps of Success

Contact Mike to Select the Perfect Program 

Contact Mike