You’ve Put So Much Energy, Work, and Time Into This Event

Content Delivered How and Where You Need It

Let Mike make you the hero of the conference. He’s easy to work with and builds rapport with every audience. His presentations will improve your organization’s leadership, teamwork, and culture, and leave your attendees excited to return to work and try out their new-found skills.

Whether you’re looking for a keynote speaker for your next event or an on-site trainer, Mike will work with your organization to meet your needs, deliver your message, and create a one-of-a-kind experience for your team members. Want to step away from the office for a bit? Mike also offers leadership retreats and workshops to support your organization.

Contact Mike for More Details

Intra-LeaderShift: Leadership

Intra-LeaderSHIFT: Leadership

Too often, leaders expect to make massive shifts within their organization without first looking at how they can change and improve themselves. Mike's Leadership Keynote "Intra-Leadershift" teaches leaders how to strengthen themselves and their behaviors first, which in turn trickles out to their teams. 

I'm Ready to Make an Intra-Leadershift
Teamology: Team Performance

Teamology: Team Performance

Your team is your greatest asset. However, a dysfunctional team that doesn't communicate properly and doesn't trust one another can destroy your company. Mike's keynote "Teamology" will teach your employees how to shift their mindset from "Me" to "We" through the power of teamwork. 

I Want to Strengthen My Team
Breaking Barriers

Breaking Barriers

Do you ever feel stuck? Do you know that barriers are often self-imposed? Mike's "Breaking Barriers Experience" will help you Identify the blocks that are limiting you or your company and then create a strategic plan of action to overcome them. You'll be amazed at what happens when you break through your barriers.

Break Through Today
Living Beyond Your Potential

Living Beyond Your Potential

Living beyond your potential will show you and your team how to exceed those limitations, giving greater results to a potential they never knew they had. Living Beyond Your Potential will show you how to leverage the power of your team to strengthen every member and fortify your business as a whole.

Strengthen Your Team
Culture Shift: Workplace Culture

CultureSHIFT: Workplace Culture

Workplace culture is everything. When it's negative it affects your employees, customers, and your bottom line. Mike's Keynote, "CultureSHIFT," will help you identify the weaknesses in your company culture and shift the attitudes of your management and employees to create a positive atmosphere for everyone.

It's Time for a CultureShift
The Color Code Personality Science Assessment and Training

The Color Code Personality Science Assessment and Training

What if there was a way to better understand and relate to the people around you? There is. When you understand yourself better, you understand, communicate, and relate better to others. Michael can help you get there. 

Start Assessing Now

Learn More About Michael's
Speaking Topics

Contact Mike